Where has the dream gone?


What am I? I am the screen and the image projected on the screen. There is no image separate from the screen. The image is the screen, there is no independent image on the screen. “The world is Other, the body is Me and the Mind is Me!”, thinks the I-thought that has fooled himself. All is One, all is perfect in Love. As life happens to Me the movie goes on in all its beauty and love in its continual flow in the Now. There is no ‘I’ and there is no ‘Other’. The past is gone and the future is an illusion. There is nothing witnessing the ‘I’ and the ‘Other’ because the ‘Witness’, the ‘I’ and the ‘Other’ are all one in the ultimate present Now. What and where is the world, the body and the mind without Me? Where has the dream gone when I woke up?

18 responses »

  1. I’ve been through these exact thoughts lately Shantideva. It brings freedom and the question ‘where has the dream gone?’ I hope you are well.

    • Thanks Yaz. Yes I am well. I have not been active on my blog for a while but I felt like posting this today. But I am slowly getting confidence in my English writing. I am always worrying that my text could be misinterpreted or misunderstood. But as I can read, it must have been clear to you. Thanks again! 🙂

    • Thanks Joly! I was not really away but I have decided to stop quoting after my 365 day project and it is a matter of motivation and inspiration now to post new articles in my own words. Thanks for reading and I enjoyed watching your art gallery today. 🙂

  2. I am impressed by your English, you explained your thoughts beautifuly. Tell me about the photo it is very dramatic, as you know by my blog, I like pictures in a post. I would like to be able to take pictures like that one.

    • Hi Jack! Thank you. This picture has been taken in an abandoned tannery (office building). I like pictures of decay because they sometimes tell stories and show that even prosperous companies and rich families are subject to impermanence. Most of my pictures are a lot about impermanence, decay and death. When I visit such places I try to show the beauty that is inherently present in impermanence. I try to show the objects that are commonly called dilapidated as beautiful objects. It is all in the eye of the beholder… or the images and our conditioning. But I very often edit the pictures a bit in Photoshop (contrasts, sharpness, clarity, colors, etc.) to make them more expressive.

  3. Hallo Jean-Claude,
    Hunn den Text elo graad ereischt geliess….fannen en immens ausdrochsvoll!
    Do kanns, ausser den Photografen, och ênnert d’Schrëftsteller goen…!
    Schlèiissen mech och deenen aaneren hiren Komentaren un!
    Lèiw Grèiss

    • Ech muss just mol erem eppes hei schreiwen. An leschter Zäit sinn ech zimmlech lidderech ginn hei um Site, awer dofir sinn ech mol erem mat aneren Sachen beschäftegt, an…. elo geet et gleich erem an den Nepal an och an Indien. Am Februar geet et lass, dann ginn ech och op d’Kumbh Mela. D’Rees ass schon gebucht. 🙂 Merci!

  4. I like tumbled down old things that nature has added her artistic hand to. Also wet, water-coulour paintings where happy accidents, as I like to call the effect when the coulours run together giving a plesing affect. I am looking forward to your next post. I would like it if you put in more photos and add your interpratation of the quots you choose. All the best for the New Year.

    • Hi Jack,
      Thanks a lot for your comment. I have been very busy since the beginning of the year but I had a wonderful time over holidays before New Year. It was one of the rare years that I have spent this time at home rather than going to Nepal or India. Finally everything is ready for my trip to Nepal and India in February.
      There are so many things I’d like to write on my blog and I hope to catch up a bit very soon because I have missed some posts on my favourite blogs, as yours. Anyhow, I will stay in a monastery in Nepal and have a short trip to India for the Kumbh Mela. If I don’t find inspiration before the trip I’ll certainly post something from Nepal.
      I am reading some very interesting books but I think that I’ll not quote from these books. I’d rather write new articles in my own words as you do it so nicely on your blog. These posts are always unique and that’s the beauty of it.
      I wish you all the best for this New Year. May your trips lead you to wonderful places and may happiness be your companion. I am thankful for your presence.

      • I will be looking forward to when you post your thoughts regularly. Although I think we do need time to gather our thoughts so it is necessary that we do not hurry the process.
        Wu-wei, effortless action, go with the flow, finding the balance. I say this because we have a whole new year to enjoy and I would like you to get the very best out of it. It was a huge task you took on last year that helped a lot of your followers.
        This year you could help those of us that missed some of the deeper meaning in some of those profound quotes.
        I do not know if my blog has greatly helped anyone but it certainly has helped me.
        It has constantly reminded and reinforced the wisdom I have discovered in the past. Revising these concepts and trying to translate them clearly, has been a growing benefit to me. I have improved the most from looking at other blogs.
        Modern technology allowing direct communication with our fellowman, is a real blessing. We can now perhaps realise our interconnectedness and interdependance.

  5. Pingback: Where has the dream gone? | MOONSIDE

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