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  1. hi, i don’t remember subscribing to receive these emailsdo i know you ? from where ?thanks for updating my memory

    • Hi,
      You, or somebody using your email address has subscribed on November 16th, 2015, according to my records. I don’t think that we know each other personally. If you do not want to receive these messages, you may unsubscribe using the link given in the message.

  2. My heuristic belief of death.
    Where were we before we were borne?
    All mater is made up of atoms arranged in different order.
    Nothing can be destroyed but all things are subject to change.
    When we loose all consciousness we feel nothing.
    It is the ultimate peace to disintegrate and return home to from where we came.
    My educated guess it is no better than any other persons.
    Man has made so many predictions throughout history.
    Some more comforting than realistic. _/\_

    • Hi Jack,
      I think we agree on that. All matter is made up of atoms arranged in different, but divine order. The reproduction of cells in our body and the synthesis of all parts needed to form a functional body, support of our earthly life, is one of the most beautiful blueprints of the macrocosm. Animated through the breath of life, we believe to become the body-mind creatures we are.
      We are. I am.
      As we loose all consciousness, we loose our feelings, sensations and perceptions, but we still are. We have never become and we will never cease to be. My essence is and always was, even in the deepest sleep. It is undestroyable and nothing can ever alter its immaculate peace. As bodies come and go, no-thing will remain but I will always be. I was when my parents were born and I will still be after the our world will have ceased, as we all are, one and forever beyond time.
      The diversity of samsara makes that there are a lot of “predictions” and “speculations”, but there is also a common ground that can be realized quiet simply by investigation, and this is where we all agree upon (all religions, beliefs and even most of the scientists), as we did our personal research. We give it 1000 names but it is never the name.
      Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts Jack.

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